Hypoallergenic Siberian Kittens
Age of Rehoming
1) Kittens are not dogs. Weaning is a process for them.
2) Cats need the interaction with their siblings in order to develop more appropriate responses to aggressive behavior.
3) As breeders, we have a greater responsibility than survival. An 8-week-old kitten can survive without their mom and siblings, but breeders should be shooting for the optimal time for psycho-social development, and health. That puts it more at 12-16 weeks.
4) Most of the Siberian kitten owners are first time cat owner due to allergies. That means they won’t be as experienced in handling a kitten let alone an 8-week-old.
5) It’s very easy for an 8- or 9-week-old kitten to crash. One bout of tummy trouble and they will lose weight rapidly when they can least afford it. It’s a huge difference between 8 weeks and 14 weeks.
6) Sending kittens home with 1 vaccine at 8 weeks is dangerous. We all know pet owners often skip vet visits and those kittens’ boosters are huge.
7) We are not selling kittenhood. We are selling a 15-year companion. Our responsibility is to our kittens not to some perceived value in 4-6 weeks old cuteness.