Angel of Siberia

I wanted to let you know how much we are enjoying this dear kitten named Lord. We are calling him Oscar these days, and he doesn’t seem to mind at all. The stay overnight in Ellensburg and the drive back to Spokane was easy and Lord Oscar did very well in the car.

So I want to thank you for bringing this beautiful and sweet dear kitten into the world. He truly is wonderful, and we love him very much. Here he is on his new Purrfect Post enjoying the scenery.

Thanks again Angela, and thanks for doing so well with his socialization, litter box training, and good health, etc. The vet likes the food recommendation but does not recommend vitamins for cats, and I will probably not bathe him as much except for sponge baths

Appreciate you and Lord Oscar very much.

Michele Opsal
unnamed (2) Lord unnamed (3)